August 28, 2014

Time for an Update!

Well a lot has been going on in Atlanta, and since I haven't checked in for a while, let me fill you in to what I've been doing for the last year.  No one wants to read a year's worth of info, so here's my year in pictures...

I lived it up with gluten free hamburgers and onion rings at Yeah Burger,

...and I got bangs!

I got really into juicing
And did some sophisticated comparisons to pieces at the High.

We ate A LOT of crawfish!

We even checked out some of the schnazzy spots as well, like King and Duke.

I made Christmas cookies

and drove to work in the middle of the Snowpocalypse.  Yikes.

We made margaritas for Cinco!!!

I visited cousins in Nashville,

 went to Bonnaroo,

and even made it to a Braves game!  
I have to say, I was a much bigger fan of watching baseball than I ever thought I would be... I think the peanuts sealed the deal for me.

We did a ton of camping in some of the most beautiful spots and lucked out with gorgeous weather the whole time.  It has been a seriously wonderful year!

 So there you go--a quick, painless update of my year.  Now back to the food!